Indonesia’s Minerals, Coal and Geothermal Resources and Reserves 2021

Kamis, 3 Agustus 2023

The presence of this book is very beneficial especially for the stakeholders and society in general, since this book encloses data and information on minerals, coal and geothermal resources and reserves throughout Indonesia. This book is expected to be a media of promotion in the development of the minerals, coal and geothermal sub-sectors in Indonesia as well as a basis to regulate the direction of national and regional policies. Distinct form the publication of the previous book, this year there are several reviews on certain minerals that are included in critical minerals. In addition, the classification of coal is adjusted to the Indonesian National Standard 5051: 2019 and a review of geothermal potential as a resource that supports the energy transition.

  • Kata Kunci :

1 Penerbit : Badan Geologi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Jl. Diponegoro No. 57 Bandung 40122
2 Penulis : -
3 Editor : -
4 Layouter : -
5 Cover : -
6 Tebal : -
7 Berat : -
8 Ukuran : -
9 ISBN : -
10 Cetakan : -
11 Dikunjungi : 461x
12 Diunduh : 77x
13 URL :

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